girls in baseball

"On April 8, Whitmore signed a contract with the Staten Island FerryHawks of the Atlantic League, becoming the first woman to join a league affiliated with Major League Baseball; the independent Atlantic League was named MLB’s first Partner League in September 2020. While it wasn’t the 23-year-old’s first foray into professional baseball -- the San Diego native played for the Sonoma Stompers of the independent Pacific Association in 2016 and ’17 -- given the Atlantic League’s reputation as the highest level of the sport outside the Majors or Minors, it was certainly her most high-profile venture yet."

About Brantford Girls Baseball

BMBA is proud to introduce you to the Brantford Girls Baseball Program!

Under the leadership of Coach Scott Chapman, our All-Girl Teams aim to provide the best baseball experience possible for our players while our team of skilled coaches and support staff creates a learning environment that focuses on the specific needs of our female athletes.

Our goal is to not only give girls a place to develop baseball skills in a positive environment, but also to build a
lifelong love for the sport. Ultimately team members of the Brantford Girls Baseball Program will not only
become skilled athletes, but outstanding members of the community as well.

Come and join us!


Our Teams and Coaches

In 2021, Brantford Girls Baseball introduced two All-Girls teams to the BMBA community. We had an oustanding inaugural season at both the Rookie Ball and Mosquito level and are looking to expand those efforts going into the 2022 season.

Girls Only Winter Training

Located in the Access Sports complex, BMBA has a state-of-the-art training centre which is open year long. Access Sports is 74,000 square foot sports complex housing dedicated training areas for a variety of Brantford sports organizations. Some include baseball, soccer, basketball, golf, ball hockey, softball, track & field.
BMBA has invested in a fully netted area with artificial turf. 32-foot ceilings allow for fly balls. A pair of 80-foot batting tunnels allow for live hitting and training. BMBA owns all the tools needed for off season training.
These include, pitching machines, portable mounds, practice balls and a variety of training devices. Included in registration costs, our rep teams’ practice once or twice per week over the winter months.
Brantford Girls Baseball players have access to Girls Only Winter Training sessions with our experienced coaches throughout the off-season.


Address - 101 Wayne Gretzky Parkway, Brantford ON N3S 7N9
Entrance off Elgin Street at rear of building





P.O. Box 28143, North Park Plaza, Brantford, ON N3R 7X5